Is Client

Is Client

Determine whether the code is running on the client-side or server-side


The useIsClient hook determines if it’s safe to run client-only hooks, like useMediaQuery or useLocalStorage. It returns a boolean indicating whether React’s useEffect hook has completed, confirming the app is being rendered on the client and it’s safe to use browser-specific APIs.

Return Values

isClientbooleantrue if running in a client-side environment, false otherwise.


Run the following command:

npx scriptkavi-hooks@latest add is-client


import { useIsClient } from "@/hooks/is-client"
import * as React from "react"
export default function App() {
  const isClient = useIsClient()
  return (
      <h6>Is Client? </h6>
      <p>{isClient ? "If you can see this ... you already know" : "No"}</p>